Keep It Safe Saskatchewan – A Push Interactions App

Keep It Safe Saskatchewan – A Push Interactions App Image

I wanted to highlight one of the apps from our portfolio today. This  app was published a while ago but I hadn’t written a feature blog about it yet. I thought it was important to highlight this nifty little app, as it has an important role to play!

Keep It Safe Saskatchewan App Icon

We were contacted by the Saskatchewan Prevention Institute, which is a non-profit organization that works to raise awareness and educate other about the prevention of disabling conditions in children. They wanted to create an app that would educate users about healthy choices that would help to reduce the risk of STIs and unplanned pregnancy. We thought this was a great project as we knew this was important information to share and knew it would help to improve health and quality of life.

The Saskatchewan Prevention Institute had a lot of great knowledge that they wanted to share with their app users. They came up with the following list of features they thought would benefit their users most and we developed the Keep it Safe Saskatchewan (KIS-Sk for short) app:

Finding free contraceptives: the app has a map of Saskatchewan in it and all of the locations that provide free contraceptives. The user simply has to open the map in the app and it will find the location nearest to them. Once you have selected a location you will see the address and phone number

Keep it Safe Saskatchewan app - Finding free contraceptives

Reminders: This feature allows users to set reminders for booking health appointment or taking contraceptives, such as an oral birth control pill. The user can set their own reminders and allows them to set a custom reminder that will pop up on their phone. This allows the user to be discrete and select a message that will remind them, yet allow their personal information to be private in case someone sees their screen

Learn About Contraceptives: Allows the users to learn about the different types of contraceptives and how they work, how to use, side effects and how to get them

Keep it Safe Saskatchewan - Contraceptive Information

Contraceptives Myth Quiz: The quiz tests the users knowledge of sexual health and contraceptives

Keep it Safe Saskatchewan - Contraceptives Myth Quiz

One of the really neat things about this app is that health educators that go into schools across Saskatchewan will be distributing this app as part of the curriculum  and using it as a learning tool. It is great to see technology being embraced in the classroom!

If you have an idea that needs an app, let us know! The idea can be big or it can be small. This KIS-SK app is a great example of a simple app that really gets the job done and also really takes into consideration who their target user is. They wanted to educate youth and so they created a digital product that would reach their target market! Call us anytime, we would love to hear from you.

Jess Bonish Photo
Jess Bonish Photo
About the Author

Jess Bonish

Jess is the VP of Marketing at Push and has a passion for branding, event planning, entrepreneurship and most of all people. Her passion is meeting clients from all over the world and learning how mobile can solve a problem or fulfill a need within their business.