Our values have guided the careful recruitment of a strong, skilled, and collaborative team. We specialize in mobile application development for iOS and Android .
Years In Business
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SK Ranked Developer
Chad is a former Apple Engineer who worked at Apple's Headquarters in Cupertino, California with some of the most talented engineers in the world. While at Apple Chad played an important role in the development of Apple's Mac OS X operating system as well as pre-cursors to the iPhone. Chad's time in Silicon Valley inspired him to leave his post and return home to Saskatchewan to tap into the budding realm of mobile technology and the province’s high caliber software development talent and start his own company. Upon his return, Chad taught Canada's first university-accredited iPhone programming course at the University of Saskatchewan while forming Push Interactions.
Our business model, work ethic, and product have not gone unnoticed. Over the years we have been honoured to receive the following nominations and awards: