Credit Union Locator App

Credit Union Central of Canada (Canadian Central) is the national trade association for the Canadian credit union system. Canadian Central sought to provide Canadian credit union members with a smartphone app that could highlight the locations of the closest branches and ATMs.
“Canadians have come to expect instant access to information through their smartphones,” explained David Phillips, president and CEO, Credit Union Central of Canada. “Providing a way to find locally and nationally- based surcharge-free ATMs and credit union branches through a mobile app is an effective way of addressing mobile user’s needs and delivering a positive user experience.”
App Features
CollegeMobile collaborated with Canadian Central to help credit union members:
- Get directions to credit union branches and ATMs available on the ACCULINK® service and THE EXCHANGE® network across Canada
- View branch details such as accepted card types, hours of operation, and contact info
The Credit Union Locator is available on Apple iOS, Android, BlackBerry, and Windows Phone.
Contact Us
Interested in a customized credit union mobile app to address your members’ needs? Check out to learn more; contact us online; or call 1-800-298-7081.
QR Code to download the App