How Push Goes Above and Beyond

I wanted to highlight some of the extra things we do for our clients that I think above and beyond what the standard mobile app developers do.  This may help with the decision of who to work with when selecting a mobile app development company.  As always, our main focus is developing quality mobile apps

Quality Apps Will Matter

Over the past few years app usage has continued to increase while the use of web, through a desktop or even a smartphone, has continued to decrease. I expect this trend will continue as most customers are now using smartphones or tablets. As this trend increases all of the eyeballs will be on mobile apps.

Things to look for when choosing a mobile app developer

With the increase of mobile app popularity of course comes an increase in mobile app developers to choose from.  We wanted to give some tips for selecting the right developer so you will have the best possible app for your users! When selecting a development company is important to look at a number of factors.

SSL HeartBleed

The SSL HeartBleed bug is a serious vulnerability in the security layer of the internet.  It has been around since December 2011 and it is estimated the “bad guys” have known about this vulnerability since about mid 2012. The vulnerability allows attackers to read secure traffic while it is in transit.  It affects approximately 20%

4 best practices for mobile app success

With billions of apps on the app stores it is beginning to be a rather competitive environment! By now it is clear that simply putting an app on the store isn’t enough.   Here are the top 4 things to consider when releasing an app (whether it is free or paid!): 1) Marketing The days

How much does an app cost?

One of the most common questions in our line of work is: How much does an App Cost? This is similar to asking a car dealer how much a car costs? The answer to the question is very dependent on what kind of car and features you are interested in. Are you going to buy

Lessons Learned while at Apple and Silicon Valley ~ Tips for Young Engineers

People sometimes ask me what I learned when I was working at Apple. The answers depend on the context of the question and who is asking and is certainly too grand to put into a single blog post. However, I wanted to share some top tips learned while I was at Apple that I would

What Makes Push Different – A CEO’s Perspective

When making a purchasing decision many people weigh the cost/benefit to confirm that its a straightforward decision. For example when you are buying tires one type of tire is $100 per tire and the other is $110. Certainly, you may notice a difference between the different sets of tires if you bought them and used

Price Sales to Market Your App: NuuNest Hits #1

With the recent sale of NuuNest on the App Store for $0.99 and a little marketing help from PregnantChicken NuuNest has reached #1 in the Canadian App Store and #2 in the US App Store for Paid Medical Apps. Short term sales with marketing support can help you get your apps out there to reach