Month in Mobile: March 2013

March was a month of BlackBerry, more BlackBerry, Android, and more Android. On March 13th, about two weeks following the launch of BlackBerry 10, BlackBerry announced the largest single order of its devices in the history of the company: 1 million BlackBerry 10 devices. The purchaser is Miami-based electronics distributor Brightstar. This significant achievement means

ROI – There’s an App for That, Part One: Apps that Generate Revenue

As you would imagine, every company that inquires about a mobile application wants to know the ROI. Of course, they want to earn revenues to pay off the development of the app. Well, there is much more to apps than revenue! Mobile apps can be divided into three main categories: * Apps that generate revenue * Apps

Why Smaller Tablets and Larger Phones Need Apps

  During my presentation at the CANHEIT (Canada Higher Education IT) conference last year, a gentleman asked me something along the lines of, “what about app development for tablets? Do you need to create a new app, or can you just blow up the smartphone version?” I explained how the use case is often different

Month in Mobile: February 2013

February – the month of cold, snow, love, and mobile (as always!). We saw some interesting and controversial things happen this month. Here are some of them. For consumers First and most importantly, the BlackBerry 10 operating system (OS) was released early on in February, alongside BlackBerry’s flagship device, the BlackBerry Z10. The upside to

An Hour in the Life of a BlackBerry 10 User

CollegeMobile has taken a plunge into the world of BlackBerry 10 (no pun intended). I’ve always been an Android guy, but I’ve been intrigued by the BlackBerry 10 platform. My Samsung Galaxy S II work phone had been the talk of the town at one point, but now I have a personal Samsung Galaxy S

So You Think You Know Smartphones?

Take a minute to guess the top five smartphone vendors in the world for Q4 2012. … You probably guessed Samsung and Apple, and then maybe HTC, LG, Sony, RIM, Microsoft, or Nokia. You are partially right. International market research company IDC reported last Thursday that the top five smartphone vendors, and their respective market share,

“ding free” Shines from Sea to Sea

 The “ding free ATM Locator” app is realizing success from sea to sea. What is ding free, you ask? ding free is a national campaign by Canadian credit unions to promote their network of surcharge-free ATMs. The campaign is focused on a unique ATM Locator App that CollegeMobile developed in 2012. The app is one-of-a-kind,

How to Earn Revenue with Mobile Apps

Money doesn’t grow on trees, but there’s an app for that! I don’t even have to say it, but I will anyways – profit is the end goal of getting a mobile app for your organization. Organizations can earn revenues indirectly through enhanced recruitment and/or retention, or directly by charging customers in one way or

How to Promote Your iPhone App with Smart App Banners

One week ago, I explained the “Top 6 Ways to Promote Your Mobile App.” The sixth method suggested, “Utilize Smart App Banners on iOS 6 to direct mobile users from your full site to your app.” Haven’t heard of Smart App Banners before? Good, because then you will find this interesting (I hope)! Smart App