Redesigning Carleton Mobile

Carleton University has had a mobile presence for many years. In fact, they were at the forefront of providing students with a solid, simple app to improve their university experience. In keeping with that spirit, Carleton decided it was time to refresh their app for a new school season. Redesign with new features They decided

Always Add Analytics

So you’ve started to release early and often, adjusting to what your customers need? Great! Now how do you gather information on what to release next? If customer feedback is key, how do you know what your customers are doing? One of the quickest ways to get an idea of how people are using your

Find Your MVP – Minimum Viable Product

“If you’re not embarrassed by your first version, you spent too long on it” This mantra, popularized by LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman, is meant as a call to action for startups. It’s also been known as “Release early, release often” and even more succinctly as “Fail fast.” Regardless of the exact words used, these phrases

Developing an App for Multiple Platforms

Software development is a creative endeavor, which makes it risky. It’s rare to know exactly what needs to be developed when the project begins. So decisions are made on the fly or modified when necessary, users give feedback that changes how a feature works, and new features come to mind midway through development. This is