Imagining the future of mobile

I was talking to a colleague recently and couldn’t believe that Apple sold 34,000 phones an hour in this last quarter. “What would the future hold if this trend continues for five or ten years?” was a question posed to me. It seems clear the trend will continue so the implications of that future are

Why We Think SmartWatches (and the iWatch) Will be Popular

Quicker and more discreet access to information SmartWatches allow you to simply look down and gather the same information you would have had to take your phone out for. To many people, this doesn’t seem like an important enough reason to buy a new device. However, once someone uses a Smartwatch as part of their day-to-day life, they grow

Getting the UDID of your iOS Device Using iTunes 12

Getting the UDID of your device using iTunes 12 on both Mac and Windows can be done using the steps below: 1) Launch iTunes 2) Connect your iOS device 3) Click on “Serial Number” and the UDID will be revealed 4) Copy the UDID using the menu choices Edit->Copy The UDID is used by iOS

Toronto iPhone and Android App Development

At Push we have developed apps for companies across North America. But we wanted to highlight some of the mobile app development we have done for clients in Ontario. Specifically apps for clients in Toronto. Below is a list featuring some of this recent work: Credit Union Central of Canada Known informally as Canadian Central,

Getting to the “Why” of Success

As you know, in each industry there are some companies that are very successful that other companies try to catch up with them. On the other hand, there are numerous organizations that spend lots and lots of money to survive but cannot! The main problem is not that some companies have access to more powerful

Anatomy of an iPhone – Where Does Your Money Go?

In Jan-March of 2014 Apple sold 51 million iPhones leading to a 13.1 billion dollar profit.  With the upcoming release of the iPhone 6 a new round of heavy buying is expected.  The question may arise is which countries will benefit the most? When it comes to building the hardware of an iPhone and the question

Developing apps for users around the world

Push creates apps for a huge variety of users, including different languages and from different countries around the world. These kinds of varied apps require special attention, because cultural backgrounds have a strong effect on how people interpret apps and the content within them. For example, the colour red means warning and errors in North

Why are Some Apps Released for iOS or Android First?

Mobile app developers are often faced with a critical choice. The endgame for any successful app is availability on both major platforms, Android and iOS. However, quite often neither the development nor release of a new app takes place simultaneously across both platforms. Sometimes one platform gets an app faster, and sometimes even much faster.

iBeacons will Change Retail

One of the early uses of iBeacons was in Major League Baseball (MLB) for helping people to find their seats in stadiums. With the recent announcement by Hillshire that iBeacons showed at 20X increase in purchase intent (intent to purchase) products it really shows that iBecons will change retail. It will give the retailers the