Push creates apps for a huge variety of users, including different languages and from different countries around the world. These kinds of varied apps require special attention, because cultural backgrounds have a strong effect on how people interpret apps and the content within them. For example, the colour red means warning and errors in North
Why are Some Apps Released for iOS or Android First?
Mobile app developers are often faced with a critical choice. The endgame for any successful app is availability on both major platforms, Android and iOS. However, quite often neither the development nor release of a new app takes place simultaneously across both platforms. Sometimes one platform gets an app faster, and sometimes even much faster.
iBeacons will Change Retail
One of the early uses of iBeacons was in Major League Baseball (MLB) for helping people to find their seats in stadiums. With the recent announcement by Hillshire that iBeacons showed at 20X increase in purchase intent (intent to purchase) products it really shows that iBecons will change retail. It will give the retailers the
“I read it in a book”
I have started reading a book titled Management 3.0: Leading Agile Developers, Developing Agile Leaders. I’ve been enjoying it immensely, but found myself falling for two “book learning” traps. 1) Getting excited for a book because it agrees with your worldview When I read the preface – which was by an author and leader whom
The Smartwatches are coming
Smartphones, tablets and apps have changed people’s lives. How they interact with each other and how they interact with information has fundamentally changed in the past few years. A new class of devices have come out called Smartwatches which also have big potential to make an impact on the “smart” market. With the recent leak
Mobile Trends Highlights
Kleiner Perkins is one of the most successful venture capitalist firms in the world. They have funded household names like Google, Facebook, Twitter, Intel among many others. They are a world-thought leader in predicting what is coming in the future, often because they are a part of picking the best ideas and helping to shape
How Push Goes Above and Beyond
I wanted to highlight some of the extra things we do for our clients that I think above and beyond what the standard mobile app developers do. This may help with the decision of who to work with when selecting a mobile app development company. As always, our main focus is developing quality mobile apps
Quality Apps Will Matter
Over the past few years app usage has continued to increase while the use of web, through a desktop or even a smartphone, has continued to decrease. I expect this trend will continue as most customers are now using smartphones or tablets. As this trend increases all of the eyeballs will be on mobile apps.
SSL HeartBleed
The SSL HeartBleed bug is a serious vulnerability in the security layer of the internet. It has been around since December 2011 and it is estimated the “bad guys” have known about this vulnerability since about mid 2012. The vulnerability allows attackers to read secure traffic while it is in transit. It affects approximately 20%