The mobile market question One of the biggest questions in the mobile industry right now is with Blackberry. It’s no secret they are in troubled times. They lost significant market share to the likes of Apple and Google with their respective iOS and Android platforms. So what happened to them? Can they make a comeback
What State is Your Mobile App in?
One question, multiple answers What State is your app in? As our client, that question might mean something different to you than it does to us. For you, it may mean how close to release you are, or what your app looks like compared to your competition. When we think of State, we think of the
Imagining the future of mobile
I was talking to a colleague recently and couldn’t believe that Apple sold 34,000 phones an hour in this last quarter. “What would the future hold if this trend continues for five or ten years?” was a question posed to me. It seems clear the trend will continue so the implications of that future are
App Review – 7 Minute Workout “Seven”
Seven available for iOS and Android Seven Features It’s about that time that the first wave of New Years resolutioners fall off the train when it comes to a new beginning of health and fitness. 7 Minute Workout “Seven” is an excellent app to keep you on track. Based on a scientific studies to maximize your workout in the
Our Favourite Apps – An App Review – RunKeeper
Favourite Mobile App RunKeeper Platforms available iOS & Android RunKeeper Features RunKeeper is an exercise tracker and trainer. It tracks the path you ran, showing it on a map at the end of your run. It also tracks distance, speed, pace, calories burned, and a host of other stats. One nice feature is that it challenges
Apple Watch Apps Explained
Last month, Apple released WatchKit to the developer community. WatchKit is the set of software tools used to develop apps for Apple’s new wearable, Apple Watch. For the first time, we can see what is really going to be possible when the new device launches next year. It turns out, there will be a
Our Favourite Apps – An App Review – Sleep Cycle
Favourite Mobile App Sleep Cycle Platforms available iOS & Android Sleep Cycle Features By using the phone’s accelerometer and gyroscope (which are very sensitive), the app is able to detect the tiniest motions while you sleep. At the end of the night, the app then presents you with a graph of how you slept; You can
Why We Changed Our Name
One of the most common questions we have been getting lately is “Why did you change your name?!” We thought there would be no better time with our 5th birthday and the launch of our new website to send out an email further explaining our name/brand change. Here is the email that was sent out
Apps to Help You Get Ready for the Holidays ~ A CTV App Review
Let me set the scene for you: snow is falling gently outside my office window, a Christmas mix is playing on my favourite app, 8tracks, all while I sip on a peppermint mocha from Starbucks. I even have some festive Christmas socks on under my boots today (very professional!). This scene is definitely getting me