Push on CTV ~ July 15th 2014

I was excited this month when CTV asked me to find the coolest health apps for July’s app segment. Here are the 3 apps that I reviewed: Fitocracy FREE for iOS & Android Developer: Fitocracy, Inc.  One successful technique in mobile app development is gamification. Gamification applies game-design thinking to non-game applications to make them

Who will win the 2014 Tablet war?

Tablets are perhaps the most exciting computing platform available today. Manufacturers are scrambling to come up with faster, sleeker, more visually spectacular models that will make their tablet the next big thing. Industry watchers are looking closely at the slate of tablets to be released in 2014 and making their predictions as to which one

Feature Friday – 8tracks

I was at a BBQ last month and I posed the question to all of my friends “What is the app you use most often?” 3 out of the 6 people said “8tracks“. Intrigued I got them to explain what this app was about and why they loved it so much. I downloaded it the

App Review: It’s as easy as one, two, THREE!

Threes! is one of the winners in the 2014 Apple Design Award, it rose to the 25th spot on the top grosing apps list on the App Store.  This slick puzzle game was released on  February 6, 2014, the point of the game is simple, players must slide the numbered tile on a grid to

Tap App – Convenience at your fingertips

Have you ever opened up your phone for the 100th time to dial someone and wished there was an easier way to quickly call them or send them a standard text message? Well one of our clients came up with a great idea that allows you to create phone short cuts by tapping or gesturing

The Smartwatches are coming

Smartphones, tablets and apps have changed people’s lives. How they interact with each other and how they interact with information has fundamentally changed in the past few years. A new class of devices have come out called Smartwatches which also have big potential to make an impact on the “smart” market. With the recent leak

How to market your mobile app part 2

Earlier this week I revisited a previous blog post of ours where we discussed the top 6 ways to market your mobile app. Now the original blog post was written in 2012 so I thought it was important to update our blog with some new ideas! In part 2 of this series I will discuss

Quality software comes from within

One of my mentors at Apple used to say “With infinite time and infinite resources, an engineer will produce nothing”. I believe this to be true. This is because given infinite time and infinite resources an engineer will build and rebuild the same project over and over again. Each time better using new lessons they