A smartphone in every pocket, a tablet in every hand and a PC on every desk. That’s the dream espoused by the technologically elite: Computing that is pervasive and all-encompassing. We are well on our way down that path. Smartphone sales surpassed 1 billion units in 2013* and tablet sales reached 76 million** . The
Cupid Strikes Again ~ Valentine’s Day Apps
Whether you are married, dating or single this Valentine’s Day there is an app for everyone. This morning I had the pleasure to share these apps on CTV Morning Live. Keep reading for a further look at these fun love-themed apps: 1. Pic Collage Free for iPhone & Android (Seller: Cardinal Blue Software, Inc) This fun little app
The New Us
There comes a time in every company’s life when they must say goodbye to the old and celebrate the new. It is my pleasure to introduce you to the new us: As you may know, we have been on a long journey to completely rebrand CollegeMobile. Today our COO, Shane Giroux, is at a career fair and
Article Quick Look: In-App Review Mechanics
You must be living under a rock if you haven’t heard of the sensation that is the game Flappy Bird. Although I haven’t played it myself I am really interested in learning about it and the success it has had over a very short time period. The app world changes so fast and it is
New Year, New us: Part 2 ~ Setting a Vision and Finding Ourselves
Over a year ago I wrote a post entitled “New Year, New Us: Part 1″. To summarize, I talked about how our company was going to embark on the journey of rebranding ourselves. We were thankful for the success that the name “CollegeMobile” had brought us, but knew that in order to grow and expand
Price Sales to Market Your App: NuuNest Hits #1
With the recent sale of NuuNest on the App Store for $0.99 and a little marketing help from PregnantChicken NuuNest has reached #1 in the Canadian App Store and #2 in the US App Store for Paid Medical Apps. Short term sales with marketing support can help you get your apps out there to reach
So You Have an iOS App. Now What?
In this day and age it seems that everyone has a smartphone. This increased demand for smartphones has of course created an increased demand for smartphone apps. Although there are a few different top mobile platforms to develop for (iOS, Android, BlackBerry, BB10 and Windows Phone), many companies choose one or two platforms that will
Passbook and Apple’s Future for Mobile Payments
After years of slowly gaining momentum, mobile payments are becoming one of the juggernaut markets of the technology industry. Last year Forrester estimated it would become a $90 billion market by 2017. Apple is gradually beginning to unroll and reveal their plans for this space. Their Passbook application is starting to gain traction, thanks in
5 Tips to Help Your App Make More Money
Often we are asked how apps can make money on the app store. I have complied a list of 5 tips that will help your app make more money on the app stores: 1. Positioning & Marketing Marketing is a very important component to apps making money and often overlooked. There are over a billion