Every company that enquires about a mobile application wants to know the ROI. A few weeks ago, we covered “ROI – There’s an App for That, Part Two: Apps That Reduce Costs,” which revealed the ways a mobile app improves employee efficiency and reduces costs. Well, there’s still more to mobile apps than generating revenues
3 Apps to Put a “Spring” in Your Step
One of my favourite times of year is upon us: Spring. There is nothing like that first sight of light where there was dark, warmth where there was cold and vibrant colour where there was dull. Often at the first signs of spring many of us go through our closets, put away the wooly sweaters
Wheel of Smartphones
Here’s something for you to ponder: An organization that needs a new mobile app will consider the percentage of its customers/employees that have iPhones, Android smartphones, BlackBerry smartphones, and Windows Phones. Choosing the most popular mobile devices used in a particular region, industry, and company will maximize the app’s reach. Thus, the most popular smartphones
ROI Series #2: There’s an App for That – Apps that Reduce Costs
Every company that enquires about a mobile application wants to know the ROI. Last week, we covered “ROI – There’s an App for That, Part One: Apps That Generate Revenue.” We explained that there’s much more to mobile apps than generating revenue, and that’s where Part Two comes in! Mobile applications for employees can help
Month in Mobile: March 2013
March was a month of BlackBerry, more BlackBerry, Android, and more Android. On March 13th, about two weeks following the launch of BlackBerry 10, BlackBerry announced the largest single order of its devices in the history of the company: 1 million BlackBerry 10 devices. The purchaser is Miami-based electronics distributor Brightstar. This significant achievement means
ROI – There’s an App for That, Part One: Apps that Generate Revenue
As you would imagine, every company that inquires about a mobile application wants to know the ROI. Of course, they want to earn revenues to pay off the development of the app. Well, there is much more to apps than revenue! Mobile apps can be divided into three main categories: * Apps that generate revenue * Apps
Why Smaller Tablets and Larger Phones Need Apps
During my presentation at the CANHEIT (Canada Higher Education IT) conference last year, a gentleman asked me something along the lines of, “what about app development for tablets? Do you need to create a new app, or can you just blow up the smartphone version?” I explained how the use case is often different
Month in Mobile: February 2013
February – the month of cold, snow, love, and mobile (as always!). We saw some interesting and controversial things happen this month. Here are some of them. For consumers First and most importantly, the BlackBerry 10 operating system (OS) was released early on in February, alongside BlackBerry’s flagship device, the BlackBerry Z10. The upside to
An Hour in the Life of a BlackBerry 10 User
CollegeMobile has taken a plunge into the world of BlackBerry 10 (no pun intended). I’ve always been an Android guy, but I’ve been intrigued by the BlackBerry 10 platform. My Samsung Galaxy S II work phone had been the talk of the town at one point, but now I have a personal Samsung Galaxy S