Mobile App Developers, Have You Heard of Rubber Duck Debugging?

To my fellow mobile app developers, have you ever found yourself spending way too much time tracking down a bug in your code?  After exhausting all possibilities and running around in circles, you finally admit defeat and call in a co worker to aid in your quest. But then something strange happens, as you start walking your

Stocard Mobile App Review

An app called Stocard has made my wallet a lot lighter! If you’re like me, your wallet is full of rewards cards to various places and you’ve also got a second wallet full of the less frequently used cards sitting in a drawer somewhere at home. I’m so excited there’s a  mobile app that can

Improve Your Mobile Application’s Interface By Using the Right Iconography

In this blog post I want to briefly talk about the principles of designing icons for a mobile application. Before delving into the topic, we need focus more on the definition of an “icon”. Icons are things that let users interact with a user interface. An icon is a visual representation of something, which is easily recognizable and

iPad Multitasking in iOS 9

One of the biggest complaints about the iPad, and iOS in general, has been it’s limited support for multitasking. When iOS first launched, each app had to close completely when the user returned to the home screen. It wasn’t until iOS 4 launched in 2010that Apple allowed some specific tasks, including music and location services,

App rejections and their effect on the development process

Earlier this week, one of our iOS apps was rejected from the app store. The reason it was rejected by Apple was because there was no moderation of user-generated content. This means we need to add a feature that allows users to flag content as offensive or objectionable, and within 24-hours a moderation entity needs

Cloud Computing, Mobile and You

You may have heard of “Cloud Computing” throughout the recent years, but what exactly is it? What does it have to do with Mobile and how can it impact app development? There are many different forms of Cloud Computing, 3 of which I will go over with examples of how they can help (or be

Grid Layout for Scroll View Content of Ambiguous Size in iOS

When developing a heavily UI based iOS application, using auto layout can be quite the love-hate relationship, especially when dealing with the scroll view. Simple layout designs can be quite tricky to implement with one prominent example being implementing a grid-like pattern of arbitrary row and column sizes. Fret not, however, for this tutorial will

A Deeper Look at Some of Our Apps

Over the past years, we have pushed many mobile apps out into the world. Barely a month goes by where we don’t release a new or updated app for one of our many clients. In this post, I want to cover a few of our apps in greater detail, to explain what they do, why

Finding Humor in the Terms Used in App Development

After over a decade in the software and web development industry, developer humor has a special place in my heart. It’s like an ongoing set of inside jokes! Of course, the software that we use to create apps is also created by developers, so I feel like the same sense of humor I’ve loved for years