I used to work at Apple headquarters in Cupertino, California. Sometimes I get asked about the interview process I experienced. So, it happened in the same building I ended up working in, IL-3, which is shown below. The interview happened basically in one room and they had people come in and out. It was eight
CEO Chad Jones interviewed by CTV News on a case of Texting Fraud
Push CEO Chad Jones was interviewed by CTV News in a story about a case of texting fraud. See the video below.
Discussion of Scalable Business
So scalable businesses one where the unit cost to build extra units of your product is almost zero. So a perfect example of that is with Microsoft when they built, for example, Windows 95. So that build that very first unit, it cost millions and millions of dollars to get that first version and put
Discussion of how has AI changed in the past 20 years
AI has radically changed over the last 20 years. So if you look at when Kasparov was playing against Deep Blue in the 1990s. Which was the best AI we could do for chess at the time, basically what the computer was doing was look ahead. So if I go ahead a few moves, what
Discussion of Minimum Viable Product for your first release
When you’re building the first version of your product, you want to build what’s called the minimum viable product or MVP. The minimum viable product has in it the minimum list of features that your customer needs to solve their problem in a useful way. Now, the purpose of the MVP is to get your
When to not deploy to live
One thing to think of when you’re ready to deploy to live. You should never deploy before a day when you won’t have your team available in case there’s any issues. And so, for example, you would never want to deploy on a Friday of a normal week if your team isn’t available on the
Discussion of how to make consumer choice easier
When you’re building a product, you want to make customer choice easy. As an example. When Steve Jobs returned to Apple. He found that there were many different types of computers, all different models very similar to each other. He actually sat down with the teams and asked, what’s the difference between these different computers?
Buyer Beware: BlackListed Phones
One thing you want to watch out for if you’re going to try to buy a phone on say Kjiji or on Facebook Marketplace. Phones can be blacklisted now. Blacklisted, it can be a stolen phone, but more often what’s happened is that the person got the phone on a plan and then eventually didn’t
A Solid Server Configuration
For a solid server configuration, you’re going to want multiple servers. So the first one is going to be your live server. This is what handles all your real traffic, has to be stable. You have a second server, which is completely independent from the first server. This is your development server, you’re going to