Discussion of Minimum Viable Product for your first release

Discussion of Minimum Viable Product for your first release Image

When you’re building the first version of your product, you want to build what’s called the minimum viable product or MVP. The minimum viable product has in it the minimum list of features that your customer needs to solve their problem in a useful way. Now, the purpose of the MVP is to get your product out there and get it first acquainted with your users and to get feedback. Once it’s out there, you’re going to get a bunch of feedback that you didn’t anticipate. That’s basically the purpose. You are going to be like, wow, I didn’t expect that feedback. And there will always be feedback that you didn’t expect coming out of it. And that is the purpose of the MVP is to give you everything you need for a minimum price in terms of feedback. So you know what to build in version 2 and you don’t spend extra money building things or building them wrong in version 1.