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iPad Multitasking in iOS 9

iPad Multitasking in iOS 9

App rejections and their effect on the development process

App rejections and their effect on the development process

Cloud Computing, Mobile and You

Cloud Computing, Mobile and You

iPad Multitasking in iOS 9

iPad Multitasking in iOS 9

One of the biggest complaints about the iPad, and iOS in general, has been it’s limited support for multitasking. When iOS first launched, each app had to close completely when the user returned to the home screen. It wasn’t until iOS 4 launched... 
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App rejections and their effect on the development process

App rejections and their effect on the development process

Cloud Computing, Mobile and You

Cloud Computing, Mobile and You

Grid Layout for Scroll View Content of Ambiguous Size in iOS

Grid Layout for Scroll View Content of Ambiguous Size in iOS

A Deeper Look at Some of Our Apps

A Deeper Look at Some of Our Apps

Finding Humor in the Terms Used in App Development

Finding Humor in the Terms Used in App Development

Grid Layout for Scroll View Content of Ambiguous Size in iOS

Grid Layout for Scroll View Content of Ambiguous Size in iOS

When developing a heavily UI based iOS application, using auto layout can be quite the love-hate relationship, especially when dealing with the scroll view. Simple layout designs can be quite tricky... 
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A Deeper Look at Some of Our Apps

A Deeper Look at Some of Our Apps

Over the past years, we have pushed many mobile apps out into the world. Barely a month goes by where we don't release a new or updated app for one of our many clients. In this post, I want to cover... 
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Finding Humor in the Terms Used in App Development

Finding Humor in the Terms Used in App Development

After over a decade in the software and web development industry, developer humor has a special place in my heart. It's like an ongoing set of inside jokes!Of course, the software that we use... 
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Get to Know Our Team – Megan

Get to Know Our Team – Megan

WWDC 2015 OS Review

WWDC 2015 OS Review

WWDC: Search in iOS 9

WWDC: Search in iOS 9

Get to Know Our Team – Megan

Get to Know Our Team – Megan

WWDC 2015 OS Review

WWDC 2015 OS Review

WWDC: Search in iOS 9

WWDC: Search in iOS 9

This Monday, Apple held their World Wide Developers Conference, WWDC. This annual event is where Apple typically announces the next generation of their software and services. This year was no different, with Apple announcing Mac OS X El Capitan and... 
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