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The Smartphone Wars – Galaxy S6 vs iPhone 6 (Part 2)

The Smartphone Wars – Galaxy S6 vs iPhone 6 (Part 2)

Apps That Can Compliment Your Long Weekend Plans

Apps That Can Compliment Your Long Weekend Plans

Smartphones and Virtual Reality

Smartphones and Virtual Reality

The Smartphone Wars – Galaxy S6 vs iPhone 6 (Part 2)

The Smartphone Wars – Galaxy S6 vs iPhone 6 (Part 2)

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about the Samsung Galaxy S6 and Apple’s iPhone 6 and compared them in detail. I talked about the general specifications of these devices, the quality of the build, and the camera. This week, I am going to... 
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Apps That Can Compliment Your Long Weekend Plans

Apps That Can Compliment Your Long Weekend Plans

Smartphones and Virtual Reality

Smartphones and Virtual Reality

Starbucks iOS App Review

Starbucks iOS App Review

iPhone 5 to iPhone 6 – Is it worth the upgrade?

iPhone 5 to iPhone 6 – Is it worth the upgrade?

What is The Cloud, and what can it do for your mobile app?

What is The Cloud, and what can it do for your mobile app?

Starbucks iOS App Review

Starbucks iOS App Review

Overflowing with new features The Starbucks app for iOS contain a wealth of features. It serves as a Starbucks shop locator, a Starbucks card holder, a gift card dispensary, royalty program tracker,... 
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iPhone 5 to iPhone 6 – Is it worth the upgrade?

iPhone 5 to iPhone 6 – Is it worth the upgrade?

Should I upgrade? For those out there contemplating upgrading from an iPhone 5 to an iPhone 6, you may be in the same position I was - wondering if the larger screen size was worth the money. However... 
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What is The Cloud, and what can it do for your mobile app?

What is The Cloud, and what can it do for your mobile app?

The term “The Cloud” has been floating around for a few years now, and it's a nebulous term that can be confusing. When we're told to store our data “in the cloud” for easier access, it... 
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What’s in a Basket? Shopping Carts in Mobile Apps

What’s in a Basket? Shopping Carts in Mobile Apps

The Hidden Complexity of Simple Apps

The Hidden Complexity of Simple Apps

The Return of Blackberry?

The Return of Blackberry?

What’s in a Basket? Shopping Carts in Mobile Apps

What’s in a Basket? Shopping Carts in Mobile Apps

The Hidden Complexity of Simple Apps

The Hidden Complexity of Simple Apps

The Return of Blackberry?

The Return of Blackberry?

The mobile market question One of the biggest questions in the mobile industry right now is with Blackberry. It’s no secret they are in troubled times. They lost significant market share to the likes of Apple and Google with their respective iOS... 
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