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Smartphones and Virtual Reality

Smartphones and Virtual Reality

Starbucks iOS App Review

Starbucks iOS App Review

iPhone 5 to iPhone 6 – Is it worth the upgrade?

iPhone 5 to iPhone 6 – Is it worth the upgrade?

Smartphones and Virtual Reality

Smartphones and Virtual Reality

When the Kickstarter for the Oculus Rift went up, it started a renewed interest in the idea of virtual reality; an idea that had seemingly died in the 90s. Now that Oculus has shown their consumer version this week, and Valve has announced its Vive... 
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Starbucks iOS App Review

Starbucks iOS App Review

iPhone 5 to iPhone 6 – Is it worth the upgrade?

iPhone 5 to iPhone 6 – Is it worth the upgrade?

What is The Cloud, and what can it do for your mobile app?

What is The Cloud, and what can it do for your mobile app?

What’s in a Basket? Shopping Carts in Mobile Apps

What’s in a Basket? Shopping Carts in Mobile Apps

The Hidden Complexity of Simple Apps

The Hidden Complexity of Simple Apps

What is The Cloud, and what can it do for your mobile app?

What is The Cloud, and what can it do for your mobile app?

The term “The Cloud” has been floating around for a few years now, and it's a nebulous term that can be confusing. When we're told to store our data “in the cloud” for easier access, it... 
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What’s in a Basket? Shopping Carts in Mobile Apps

What’s in a Basket? Shopping Carts in Mobile Apps

Enhancing the shopping cart Every digital shopping experience uses the concept of a shopping cart, bag, or basket. As you browse the products for sale, you add items to this temporary holding place... 
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The Hidden Complexity of Simple Apps

The Hidden Complexity of Simple Apps

Hiding Simplicity, Enabling Complexity Developing apps for smartphones requires careful consideration of many factors. We are constrained by issues such as limited memory, slow processors, and small... 
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The Return of Blackberry?

The Return of Blackberry?

Apple is Changing the Game Again with ResearchKit

Apple is Changing the Game Again with ResearchKit

The State of Augmented Reality on Smartphones

The State of Augmented Reality on Smartphones

The Return of Blackberry?

The Return of Blackberry?

Apple is Changing the Game Again with ResearchKit

Apple is Changing the Game Again with ResearchKit

The State of Augmented Reality on Smartphones

The State of Augmented Reality on Smartphones

From the moment we wake up to the point where we fall asleep, we are continuously subjected to information from around the world. Whether it's reading the news, watching sport highlights, or scrolling down the Facebook wall - yesterday always feels... 
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