How long have you worked at Push?
16 months thus far.

Why did you become a developer?
At an early age before I even got into high school I was one of those types that always wondered how things were built. Back then I was quite a bit into gaming (still am) and wanted to see what went into creating many of the wonderful 3D content/ maps in the games. So I stumbled across the Unreal 2.0 3D editor, and stubborn as I was I forced myself to figure out how to make something happen with it as I always wanted to know exactly how 3D content was made. The result ended up being someone in their very early teens coming out with a reasonably cool map that I played on with my friends. By no means was the resultant 3D modelling and scripts that went with it at all professional, but they were functional and at such an early age that fascinated me.
Fast forward a little bit and I realized I liked doing this kind of stuff — making things work, designing it, creating it, seeing it work and this is what drove me to decide that the field of software development, in some shape or form, was for me.

What type(s) of development do you specialize in?
I am predominantly a client-side developer. I rarely develop the“server-side”of things as its far from my strong point.
At Push, I am mostly a mobile developer for iOS and Android. But just about anything that isn’t strictly speaking “server work” is what I do.
I quite enjoy tackling new and challenging problems, if its got something to do with a complex architecture design in need of implementation or a requirement for coming up with algorithms related to heavy math I usually have a fun time. I’m analytical at heart and love that stuff.

What is your favourite thing about working at Push?
The work environment. It’s very friendly and a lot easier to get things done than it is with a larger development company. There’s more opportunity for developer freedom to learn as a result of this which is great.

What is your favourite thing to do in your spare time?
If its not working on some side projects for fun its usually gaming. I play a lot of video games. Everything from shooters and racing on the Xbox One to managing a 10- man raid team in World of Warcraft.

Check out one of the blogs I have written: