Two weeks ago I had the pleasure of unveiling our new company name and brand identity. Since then we have received so much support for our new name and look!
We also received our first company banner and got to show it off at a career fair and to the clients who have visited our office.

So what exactly is in a name?! Well in our name there was a lot of hard team work and excitement that’s for sure. Remember how I told you we had a brain storming session where we threw out words or phrases of who we were and what we aspired to be? Once we had gathered all of the words and phrases as a team, our marketing team began to sort out the ideas and phrases that would become our new name and brand identity. The hard part was next. We took the words and phrases that we liked and tried to see awesome potential names for the company. When it came down to what we felt was the BEST the phrase:
“Pushing technology into small spaces of life.”
Everyone felt an instant connection to this simple phrase. Once we had decided on the word “Push” we began to do our research into how we could legally make this name ours. We learnt that it was best to have a word attached that would give some sort of descriptor for what our company did. After much trial and error we decided on “Interactions” because not only did it describe what our product does but also what we do everyday with our own team and our amazing clients. Once all of the legal filings were complete, we announced our new name to the whole team on the day we moved to our new office! Stay tuned for the next New Year, New Us when I will share that first day in our new office with you!
By the way you may be wondering (just as we were) “Well WHO exactly wrote that sticky note?!?!)” By the time we announced the new name to the team that beautiful neon orange sticky note had gotten lost in the shuffle (I remember it was orange at least!) and no one ever claimed that they wrote it!