I am excited to announce that Push has launched a smartwatch app development package! With the recent popularity of smartwatches we have all been taking note and have been playing around with the watches nd dreaming up ideas for possible apps!
Push can develop a smartwatch app that can:
- Pair with your existing app
- Be a stand alone Smartwatch app
- Pair with an smartphone app that we develop for you (smartwatch app & smartphone app package)
Push will work within your budget to determine the best features to develop for your custom Smartwatch App! Your imagination is the limit, but here are some are some features you may want in your app:
- Navigation
- Mapping
- Notifications
- Fitness/health tracking
- Messaging
- Voice recognition
- Audio
- Reminders
Through the rest of November and the month of December we will be launching our Smartwatch Wednesday blog series. We wanted to talk about everything there is to do with smartwatches. Smartwatches are so new and there are so many cool things to talk about. Here is a sneak peak of some of the topics we will cover: AppleWatch: What We Know, Smartwatch App Reviews, User Interface & User Experience Design, Living With a Smartwatch User, Day in the Life of a Smartwatch User, FAQ’s, and much more! If you have any other topics you think we should cover, leave us a comment and we will look at writing a blog post with your topic.
Next week we will be posting our “Intro to Smartwatches Part 1” blog! Stay tuned for all of the exciting Smartwatch news to come!
Until then, here are some of our past smartwatch app-related blog posts to hold you over:
A Fictional Day with a Smartwatch
Check out our new Smartwatch App webpage HERE.