The New Us

There comes a time in every company’s life when they must say goodbye to the old and celebrate the new.  It is my pleasure to introduce you to the new us: As you may know, we have been on a long journey to completely rebrand CollegeMobile.  Today our COO, Shane Giroux, is at a career fair and

Article Quick Look: In-App Review Mechanics

You must be living under a rock if you haven’t heard of the sensation that is the game Flappy Bird.  Although I haven’t played it myself I am really interested in learning about it and the success it has had over a very short time period.  The app world changes so fast and it is

New Year, New us: Part 2 ~ Setting a Vision and Finding Ourselves

Over a year ago I wrote a post entitled “New Year, New Us: Part 1″.  To summarize, I talked about how our company was going to embark on the journey of rebranding ourselves.  We were thankful for the success that the name “CollegeMobile” had brought us, but knew that in order to grow and expand

What Makes Push Different – A CEO’s Perspective

When making a purchasing decision many people weigh the cost/benefit to confirm that its a straightforward decision. For example when you are buying tires one type of tire is $100 per tire and the other is $110. Certainly, you may notice a difference between the different sets of tires if you bought them and used

So You Have an iOS App. Now What?

In this day and age it seems that everyone has a smartphone.  This increased demand for smartphones has of course created an increased demand for smartphone apps.  Although there are a few different top mobile platforms to develop for (iOS, Android, BlackBerry, BB10 and Windows Phone), many companies choose one or two platforms that will

Putting App Content Forward

You may have heard the term “content is king” before. What exactly does it mean, and does it have any relevance when it comes to mobile applications? The concept has a simple application to mobile design. Users want to see the application content, they care about little else. I’ve gathered some screenshots of Apple designed

Techniques on Increasing User Engagement

If you’re getting ready to have an app built for your company (or perhaps you already have one and are deciding on your next move), you’re probably asking yourself how you can convince consumers to use your app, in order to make it a worthwhile investment? The answer is to make use of habit forming

Push on CTV Saskatoon Morning Live

Over the course of our company’s existence we have had the opportunity to be interviewed by some great national and local news companies. One of the shows Chad and I have frequented is the CTV Saskatoon Morning Live. We went on when we launched our Saskatoon Transit App back in October 2012 and again in

Lemonade Day and the App

When life hands you lemons….. start your own business! As many of you know CollegeMobile is an entrepreneurial venture founded by Chad Jones in 2009. Chad saw an amazing business opportunity in the world of mobile app development and started CollegeMobile and the rest is history. Around the same time I was working at a