Best in Class – Back to school app recommendations

When I was in school there was nothing more exciting  as fresh back-to-school supplies. The crisp packs of lined and hole-punched paper, the sharp pencil crayons in all of their glory,  fancy new binders, and if you were lucky a fresh pack of Mr. Sketch smelly markers (grape is still my favourite to this day!).

Why are Some Apps Released for iOS or Android First?

Mobile app developers are often faced with a critical choice. The endgame for any successful app is availability on both major platforms, Android and iOS. However, quite often neither the development nor release of a new app takes place simultaneously across both platforms. Sometimes one platform gets an app faster, and sometimes even much faster.

Observe, think & sharpen your pencil – The user interface

The user interface is the space where interactions between humans and machines occur. The first and most important element is the human, the person that’s using the system and the other people that they work and communicate with. Then you have the target device, that’s the machine that runs the system. Finally you have the interface

What Can iOS 8 Tell Us About Future Apple Products?

This June, Apple announced the new version of their mobile operating system, iOS 8. This is the operating system that will power the upcoming iPhone 6, the new line iPads, and possibly be adapted to new products like a smartwatch or a new Apple TV. Although we don’t know much about these devices yet, some

iOS 8: HomeKit

“Huge for developers. Massive for everyone else.” reads the tagline on Apple’s iOS 8 Preview webpage. With all the focus on how much iOS 8 will benefit the developer, it is easy to lose sight of the benefits for the end-user. It is important to remember that a better environment for developers will lead to

App Review: my BBQ timer

Since we are well into summer and the days are still long and the nights are hot there is no  better time to gather your friends and family,  throw some meat on the bbq and sit back and relax! Whenever my family comes over for a bbq we always have this confusing moments when my

How to do recommendations based on your app usage

I use a news aggregator app called Zite. It is excellent, allowing you to choose from a set of topics that interest you and making recommendations based on your choices. The app collects news articles from sites based on your topic choices, aggregating them together into a single news stream. You can ban particular sites

New Year, New Us ~ New Sign! ~ Rebrand update

One of the most exciting parts of this rebrand is seeing the physical transformation from our “old selves” to our shiny “new selves”. Last week I talked about our online transformation on our various social media platforms. This week we had our sign on the outside of our office changed over and it is thrilling

iBeacons will Change Retail

One of the early uses of iBeacons was in Major League Baseball (MLB) for helping people to find their seats in stadiums. With the recent announcement by Hillshire that iBeacons showed at 20X increase in purchase intent (intent to purchase) products it really shows that iBecons will change retail. It will give the retailers the