I used to work at Apple headquarters in Cupertino, California. Sometimes I get asked about the interview process I experienced. So, it happened in the same building I ended up working in, IL-3, which is shown below. The interview happened basically in one room and they had people come in and out. It was eight hour interview with a break for lunch. They asked all kinds of different questions and all kinds of different topics. They were really testing my Electrical Engineering and Computer Science knowledge. The most intense part of the interview, they had me doing an Electrical Engineering problem on paper while they asked me unrelated verbal questions and they were also basically timing to see how long it took me to finish the Electrical Engineering written question. So yeah, it was intense, but I did very well on the interview and they did offer me the job before I left the Apple campus. So obviously they were satisfied with the interview process.
The interview at Apple HQ that got me hired